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Kawakaita K, Kawamura H, Keino H, Hongo T, Kitakohji, H (1991) Development of the low impedance points in the auricular skin of experimental peritonitis rats.
Am J Chin Med 19: 199–205.
Kho H, Robertson E (1997) The mechanisms of acupuncture analgesia: review and update. Am J Acupunct 25: 261–281.
Kitade T, Hyodo M (1979) The effects of stimulation of ear acupuncture points on the body’s pain threshold.
Am J Chin Med 7: 241–252.
Krause A, Clelland J, Knowles C, Jackson J (1987) Effects of unilateral and bilateral auricular transcutaneous electrical stimulation on cutaneous pain threshold. Physical Therapy 67: 507–511.
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Am J Chin Med 19: 189–197.
Kawakaita K, Kawamura H, Keino H, Hongo T, Kitakohji, H (1991) Development of the low impedance points in the auricular skin of experimental peritonitis rats.
Am J Chin Med 19: 199–205.
Kho H, Robertson E (1997) The mechanisms of acupuncture analgesia: review and update. Am J Acupunct 25: 261–281.
Kitade T, Hyodo M (1979) The effects of stimulation of ear acupuncture points on the body’s pain threshold.
Am J Chin Med 7: 241–252.
Krause A, Clelland J, Knowles C, Jackson J (1987) Effects of unilateral and bilateral auricular transcutaneous electrical stimulation on cutaneous pain threshold. Physical Therapy 67: 507–511.
Kroening R, Oleson T (1985) Rapid narcotic detoxification in chronic pain patients treated with auricular electroacupuncture and naloxone.
Intl J Addict 20: 1347–1360.
Kvirchishvili V (1974) Projections of different parts of the body on the surface of the concha auriculae in humans and animals.
Am J Acupunct 2: 208.
Kroening R, Oleson T (1985) Rapid narcotic detoxification in chronic pain patients treated with auricular electroacupuncture and naloxone.
Intl J Addict 20: 1347–1360.
Kvirchishvili V (1974) Projections of different parts of the body on the surface of the concha auriculae in humans and animals.
Am J Acupunct 2: 208.
Kashiba H, Ueda Y (1991) Acupuncture to the skin induces release of substance P and calcitonin gene-related peptide from peripheral terminals of primary sensory neurons in the rat.
Am J Chin Med 19: 189–197.
Kawakaita K, Kawamura H, Keino H, Hongo T, Kitakohji, H (1991) Development of the low impedance points in the auricular skin of experimental peritonitis rats.
Am J Chin Med 19: 199–205.
Intl J Addict 20: 1347–1360.
Kvirchishvili V (1974) Projections of different parts of the body on the surface of the concha auriculae in humans and animals.
Am J Acupunct 2: 208.
Kashiba H, Ueda Y (1991) Acupuncture to the skin induces release of substance P and calcitonin gene-related peptide from peripheral terminals of primary sensory neurons in the rat.
Am J Chin Med 19: 189–197.
Kawakaita K, Kawamura H, Keino H, Hongo T, Kitakohji, H (1991) Development of the low impedance points in the auricular skin of experimental peritonitis rats.
Am J Chin Med 19: 199–205.