Please click on the icon on the right column of the specific form that you would like to open. A PDF file of that form will be shown at the bottom of your screen. If you single click on that option at the bottom of the webpage, the PDF file will open. To exit that form, click on the “X” sign where the name of the form is listed.

ACI Auriculotherapy Course SyllabusSyllabus

ADX : Auricular Diagnosis Form ADX

ATF : Auriculotherapy Treatment Form ATF

HDI-40-C : Health Distress Inventory, Clinical HDI-40-C

HDI-40-R : Health Distress Inventory, Research HDI-40-R

HDID-45 : Health Distress Inventory, Diary HDID-45

HDI-S : Scoring for the Health Distress Inventory HDI-S

VAS-Pre-Post : Visual Analog Scale for Health Distress VAS-Pre-Post

VAS-10 : Visual Analog Scale for 10 Items VAS-10

HHI-4 : Health History Inventory HHI-4

PDI : Participant Demographic Inventory PDI

PPR : Pain Perception Report PPR

OMDX-5 : Oriental Medicine Diagnosis Form OMDX-5

Study Guide : Treatment Outcome Guide Study Guide

ICF : Informed Consent Form ICF

Place the cursor over the link and hold down the mouse button, then choose Save Link As from the pop-up menu. In the Save As dialog box, specify a name and location for the PDF file, then click Save.

Right-click the link, then choose Save Link As from the pop-up menu. In the Save As dialog box, specify a name and location for the PDF file, then click Save.