The Auriculotherapy Certification Institute(ACI) was established in 1999 to provide certification and training in this specialized health care field. Noted professionals In this field have determined the criteria for certification and the status of training organizations educating individuals seeking certification in auriculotherapy. The certification process requires proof of education in this area, a written test, a pradicum exam, and verification of clinical hours conducting auriculotherapy. After passing the written and practice exam, each ACI applicant must submit 20 vignettes of patients they seen with auriculotherapy. There will be separate certificates for auriculotherapy done by transcutaneous stimulation, auricular acupuncture with needle insertion procedures, and ear reflexology manual manipulation. A certificate does not replace the need for clinical licensure within one’s profession.
Individuals Interested in finding out more about certification can contact Dr. Terry Oleson by phone at (323) 656-2084 or FAX (323) 656-2085, or at
The packet requires Acrobat Reader, which is offered for free from Adobe. If you do not have Acrobat Reader then click the gold icon to the right. To View the Certification Packet In PDF format, left-mouse-click here: acipacket.pdf To Print the PDF file, you must first download It to your hard drive by using the following instructions.
Right-mouse-click the link, acipacket.pdf, then click “Save Link As” or ‘Save Target As’ from the pop-up menu. In the Save As dialog box, specify a name and location for the PDF file, then left-mouse-click Save. Locate the file on your hard drive and double-left-click on file name. Acrobat Reader will now open the file. You may print the packet by selecting print from the file menu.
Right-mouse-click the link, acipacket.pdf, then click “Save Link As or “Save Target As from the pop-up menu. In the Save As dialog box, specify a name and location for the PDF file, then left-mouse-click Save. Locate the file on your hard drive and double-left-click on file name. Acrobat Reader will now open the file. You may print the packet by selecting print from the file menu.